Sunday, November 23, 2014

Septum experience & Aftercare

Hello again & happy Sunday!
Sorry for not posting in a couple of weeks, I've been quite busy and Sundays seems to be days where it'd easiest for me to fit in time to write a new post.

Today I'll be talking about my septum piercing experience and aftercare.

Here are some general facts about my piercing:
1. I got my septum pierced on my 18th birthday (April 2014, so it's been several months now)
2. I was pierced by someone who had already pierced me before
3. I got pierced with a circular barbell and it's still the same jewelry I have in now (November 2014)
4. I have no history of bleeding with piercings and did not bleed during this one
5. I was in a laying down position when I got pierced, I was not sitting up

So now that we have the basic facts about my piercing, let's get into it.

I had planned on getting this piercing for a while now and I got pierced at a local tattoo shop that I had been to before. I had also done research on the piercing prior to getting it pierced (watched videos, read posts, looked at pain level and aftercare) I went in with my older sister (20) and she was also getting her septum pierced. The guy took us back to the piercing area of the shop and showed us  jewelry and then asked who wanted to go first. I decided to go first and not because I was being brave, just because I thought if I watched my sister get pierced before me I might chicken out and not want to go through with it.

He sat me down on the blue piercing chair and I was laying back sorta like if you were in a chair at the dentist office. Then he clamped my nose, counted down from 3 and stuck the needle through my septum, at this point in time a single tear rolled down my face but it was not  because the piercing was painful. Then he started to take the needle out of the other side as he slid the circular barbell in then screwed in the ball at the end of it.

The piercing in total probably only took about a minute and personally I did not think it was painful but I do generally have a high pain tolerance for piercings so that is going to depend on the person getting pierced as well as the piercer (because I have seen some nasty ugly septum piercing vids that do not look pleasant)
I thought I'd share a pic of me and my piercing, so here I am months later & still loving it!

One very cool thing about septum piercings is that you can flip it in your nose and it is not visible AT ALL (unless of course someone is looking up your nose)
After getting my piercing it took a little bit of getting used to, the jewelry felt heavy on my nose and I felt a little funky but of course that is normal, there was a foreign object hanging from a place on my face where there previously wasn't. They do not recommend you touch or much less flip your piercing inside your nose right after getting pierced. I, however, did it anyway. I had to go to dinner with my dad that same day and did not want him to see so I flipped it upside down and hid it from him. I left it in there all night and tried not to touch or play with it. My only problem was it was obviously very new and still a little swollen and sore so when I tried to flip it back how it belonged it hurt a little and wouldn't move. So I left it hidden for an entire day until I felt it comfortable enough for me to move it again.

My piercer gave me an aftercare sheet and recommended H2Ocean which I had also read about online. So I went to my local Hot Topic and purchased some. This saline spray is so much easier than making your own and having to dab it on with a cotton ball. So as for aftercare went I would just spray that H2Ocean right in my nose 2-3 times a day and everything healed correctly and I never had any issues with it. I didn't stop using it like a month or two after, I kept using it until I ran out but once the piercing was healed I would use it less often 1-2 times a day (except when I would forget, oops)

I know a video of my piercing procedure exists but I am not quite sure where, if I can find it I will upload it here to share. Thanks for reading!

Also, I have gotten a lot of opinions both positive and negative (like, why do you have that? or do you like looking like a bull? but I push them of to the side and continue to like my piercing because it was MY decision and nothing anyone says is going to make me like it less. So if you want to get a piercing and are afraid of what people are going to say, ignore them and do what makes YOU happy

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